
Cara Install TWRP Recovery di Lenovo A7000-a

HOW TO Install TWRP Recovery in Lenovo A7000-a and Lonovo A6600 Plus Download file : SP_Flash_Tool_exe TWRP_boot_root_S228 Lenovo driver ===================================== for Lenovo a700-a user : twrp-3.0.2-8-aio_row ONLY driver, twrp, sp flash tool ===================================== Lenovo A6600 Plus A6600a40n TWRP: 1. Extract Zip the file thatyou already download 2. Install Lenovo USB Driver  Next  Next  you can customize the the destination folder to install, but you can just let it to default. klik next  Wait for a minute for installation progress  if this notification is pop up just click  " Install this driver software anyway " click finish 3. So the the driver installation is done, and now we going to install the driver for the mobile : ...

How to ROOT Lenovo Device 100% Work

this is the way how to roo your lenovo device just follow my video , goodluck !!! download file : SP_Flash_Tool_exe TWRP_boot_root_S228

How to enable Greyscale mode on any android like samsung S5 UPSM ( ultra power saving mode)

this video is to teach you how to make your android into greyscale mode like samsung S5 UPSM or ultra power saving mode to save your battery ,, and if u wanna make it save more battery try this : settings --- developer options --- apps --- turn on these three : 1.dont keep actives, 2.background process limit, 3. kill app back button. 


Hamstring Strain This injury of Hamstring is not because of collision or contact with other players, but when players do sprints or acceleration and not warming up properly may add to the risk factor . Hamstring muscles are the structures that are often injured. The disorder can be a muscle tear or strain. Hamstring injuries most often occur in sports such as running, football, basketball, etc. Injuries can be mild to severe. In the mild injury, usually only had a small tear in the hamstring so just having a feeling like pressure on the back of the thigh. In the severe injury, occurs when the hamstring muscles is lost and even apart from the parts that will cause great pain to not be able to walk. A tear in the Hamstring muscle is referred to as a Hamstring strain by medical professionals and depending on its severity it is classified as a first, second or third grade strain: ·          1 st grade strain is damage to a few muscle fib...


Boomerang Introduction There are two types of boomerang- retuning and non-retuning. The retuning boomerangs were invented by the Australia Aborigines thousands of years ago and unique to Australia. The returning boomerang was used by the Aborigines to catch animal. Because of its wide arc of flight, the returning boomerang was never used in warfare. Non-returning boomerangs for hunting larger prey, such as   kangaroo , were used for small prey as well. These throw sticks fly in a nearly straight path when thrown horizontally and are heavy enough to take down a kangaroo on impact to the legs or knees. For hunting emu, the throw stick is aimed toward the bird's neck, in an attempt to break it. Innovative about boomerang     Today, boomerangs are mostly used as sporting items. There are different types of throwing contests: accuracy of return, Aussie round,   trick catch,   maximum time aloft , fast catch, and endurance. The modern ...